Telemedicine Platform

The right,
Telemedicine SaaS platform for Healthtech, Clinics & hospitals

Introducing our Telemedicine SaaS Platform: a comprehensive solution addressing critical healthcare challenges. From streamlined data management to automated appointment scheduling, enhanced medication tracking, and connectivity solutions for rural areas, we ensure seamless access to care. Our platform offers multilingual communication, robust telemedicine infrastructure, personalized preventive care education, and optimized billing processes. Backed by comprehensive training and support, we prioritize data security compliance. Plus, Emergency Telemedicine Services ensure prompt consultations in critical situations. Revolutionizing healthcare accessibility and efficiency.


Dr. Anna


Waiting rooms

Our platform allows you to get the full-service offerings of a doctors office from the comfort of your home.

Unlocking the future of healthcare with virtual consultations

How does it work?


Signup as Clinic, Healttech or Hospital to our platform

Clinics, Hospitals and Health tech platforms can enroll to our platform.


Do a setup

Our team will collaborate with the team of the business to do basic setups and trainings

Dr. Chyna Jackson

Optometrist Specialist


Get your doctors and patients

Your doctors and patients can enroll into the platform


Start the new age of health care

Now your ecosystem can support the new age of consultations

we’re here to all your questions

Our platform has been instrumental for the new trends of Health followups.

CodeHimalaya’s Telemedicine Platform is a software solution that enables hospitals and clinics to conduct online-based doctor consultations through a Software as a Service (SaaS) model.

The platform provides secure and compliant communication channels for real-time video consultations between doctors and patients.

Doctors can electronically prescribe medications and treatments through the platform, which are directly accessible to patients, streamlining the prescription process and improving medication adherence.

Since this is a SaaS based platform, its very much minimal costs to the clinics, hospital or Healthtech platforms.

Contact us

Partner with Us for Comprehensive IT Services

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine which of our services best fit your needs.

Your benefits:
What happens next?

We Schedule a call at your convenience 


We do a discovery and consulting meting 


We prepare a proposal 

Schedule a Free Consultation